We’ve talked about how a life on the road includes all the things that life usually does anywhere else. Well, another one of those things came up. We were over the Sierras and most of the way through Nevada when we got word that Sue’s parents were having some issues with her father’s care in Florida. Clearly the best way to help out was to be there.

To that end, we got situated for the night close to the Salt Lake City airport and in the morning I dropped Sue off to fly to Orlando. I am continuing eastward in the motorhome without her.

It’s a strange feeling to be out here alone. We’ve spent more than two years as nomads in total over our five road trips, and this is the first time we’ve not been together for any of that. It feels very weird, and a little bit sad, and I know it will take some adjustment. On the plus side, I guess it will be easier to find some “alone time,” which is extremely hard to come by in the motorhome. This might provide more than we need, though.

Anyway, we’ll keep track of what happens here on the road and down in Florida. Hopefully things can be settled so Sue can fly back to reassemble The Destinators, and we can finish this adventure together!
Hey Doug, too bad we missed you and Sue in SLC airport by about 8 hrs. Hope you make it back safely to your winter home and that things go well with Sue’s parents. We are getting settled in our apartment in Cottonwood Heights, getting to know all the thrift stores and liquidators and getting help from new friends. Looking forward to next time we can catch up in person!
Thanks, Al! Yes, we almost crossed paths in the airport – again! Working my way across Ohio at the moment, Sue is still in FL. Enjoy your new digs!