One of the things we do for kicks when needed while we’re traveling is to google ‘organic food near me.’ It’s a great way to find little natural food stores and it takes us to places we might not otherwise have visited, usually with good results. At other times, outstanding results…
We found a little natural food store in Sumpter, SC. We arrived about 30 minutes before it opened. Not a problem as the map indicated a park nearby – the Swan Lake ~ Iris Park. Wow.
The park features Swan Lake, home to all eight species of US swans. It also serves as a backdrop for endless beds of Japanese iris which usually bloom through the first half of June. Not sure if it’s a coincidence, essentially all of the iris were purple. Who knew how many different varieties of purple iris could exist…
And yes, we found bulgur at the little natural food store.
For anyone who’s interested, more pix, including more iris…