We were on our way to Hamilton, ON which is about an hour from Toronto. And whenever we’re near Toronto, we check in with Iris about getting together to jam.

This time, we had a special treat… Iris’ son Tomer joined us on guitar. As in past visits, we each selected songs we knew, shared the chords and structure, and made music together. It was fun to have a 20-year old who seemed to enjoy ‘our’ music. It was twice as fun to play along with a few of his song selections, and then we found that lyrics pour out of Tomer’s head as smoothly as maple syrup out of a pitcher, so the third level of fun was working on chords and melody for lyrics he created on the spot.

It was interesting that toward the end of our session, Iris mentioned that jamming together was so much easier than the previous time. Hmmm… Where’ve we heard that before? (and could it be that we’re all getting better at this?)
Iris’ husband, Eyal, loves to cook and once again prepared a wonderful breakfast and lunch for us. We’re hearing rumors that he secretly plays the guitar. Perhaps he’ll join us sometime…
We also met Roxy, the new family pup. She quickly became our biggest fan, staking out a comfortable spot for herself on the carpet, between Iris’ piano and Doug’s speaker.
Here’s a sample from our session:
Thanks Iris, Eyal and Tomer! Until next time!