Dover, NH

Bob, Nellie, Sue, Doug

We last saw my Aunt Nellie and Uncle Bob at a family gathering about 9 years ago. They had recently moved to a senior community in Dover, and that is where they’re living now. Dover is on the way to Connecticut. Hmm, is this email address I have for them current? Yes it is! We connected with Bob and he and I planned a get-together for lunch.

Both Nellie and Bob are 90! They met when they were around 40, and each of them told us they knew immediately that they’d just found their perfect partner. If you do the math, they are closing in on celebrating their 50th anniversary and their partnership is as strong as ever. They’re both physically quite healthy, although Nellie is having memory issues, so Bob fills in her blanks, and Bob has a hearing loss, so Nellie repeats for him things he doesn’t hear. And they hold hands everywhere they go! They are a wonderful and encouraging example of aging gracefully.

Bob drove us to their favorite restaurant – Tucker’s – for lunch. Favorite wasn’t an exaggeration – they were greeted by name by the restaurant staff when we arrived, and apparently they are regulars there for both lunch and breakfast! The menu was great, the service was awesome, and it is easy to understand how it became their fave. Great food!

Bob and Nellie told us they haven’t travelled much since they moved to their current home. Of course, we got to talking about our current tour and earlier travels – and in particular about meeting family members around the country (I should mention that Nellie is one of my father’s 15 siblings, and the 6th oldest of 16). We were able to share photos of many familiar faces, which brought smiles to theirs as well as ours. Bob also mentioned that he sometimes likes to find interesting videos to watch on YouTube. With his help, we brought up Doug’s YouTube channel on the TV and we shared a few of our music videos with Nellie and Bob.

We very much enjoyed this wonderful visit with my aunt and uncle. So glad we stopped by!

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