Doug and I lived in the Albany area when we were first married, 30 years ago. We were quite active with the cycling community back then. As we drove out of Albany, we had a rush of memories as we recognized familiar roads we’d biked so many times, so many years ago. We both suddenly remembered that the greater Albany area was simply awesome for bicycling.
While in the Capital District, I also attended Sage Graduate School. Evelyn – my mentor and favorite study partner – and I have stayed in touch since, but we had not connected live in 26 years. We finally fixed that last week with a delightful lunch. Neither one of us has changed a bit! Glad to hear Evelyn still making generous use of her trademark laughter. After graduation, she launched a new career with the State of NY while I relaunched with The Travelers.

Joe fired me from The Travelers 10 years later and helped me start my own consulting firm. We’ve been friends with Joe and his wife Deb ever since! We were so glad to get to visit them at their new home in Skaneateles in the NY Finger Lakes. As usual, we went on a delightful bike ride with Joe. Deb gave us a grand tour of Skaneateles Lake. Just beautiful! And a hearty congratulations on their daughter’s upcoming wedding!
We mentioned in an earlier post that we don’t really have a plan or itinerary for this trip. We have, however, set an intention to see more of the Great Lakes. Today, we got our first glimpse of the Great Lake Ontario! More to follow…

I haven’t checked your blog in a while, so I had a lot of catching up to do. I’m glad to read that you’ve been busy having fun, and that you are back in the saddle….the bicycle saddle. Hurray for hip surgery and PT! Love the photos and beautiful sunsets!
Thanks Linda! And yes, it’s great to be back on a bike.
Did you know that Helen is from Skaneateles? Loving the photos! Hope you get out on the water on Lake Ontario. I camped on Wolf Island and windsurfed around the area a long time ago. The Zebra Mussels (although very bad) had made the water crystal clear. The depth was a continual optical illusion! Such a gorgeous area!
Thanks Barb! Got to swim in Great Lake Ontario – refreshing on a 90 degree day! Agree, so gorgeous…