Our friend John is the second person we met when we started skiing at Sugarbush in 1999. We’ve been friends ever since, sharing passions for skiing, biking and fine (ok, very good) dining, and Doug and I have occasionally served as marginally competent crew on John’s sailboat. Over the years, we’ve also become friends with John’s brother Phil and Phil’s wife Barb, who visit Vermont regularly. Since we found ourselves near where they live, we arranged to visit.
When not on road trips to Vermont, Phil and Barb make their home in York, Pennsylvania, closer to their kids and grandkids. They’re also avid adventurers, choosing to stay in lodges rather than RVs as they visit the National Parks and other beautiful parts of the country. As history buffs, they also seek out interesting, out-of-the way places with significance especially to Civil War and presidential history.
From the moment we arrived until we departed, we traded travel stories and refilled each others’ bucket lists, assuring that we’ll never reach the bottom!