The summer of 2020 will certainly be one to remember. Or forget. Remarkable either way. We’ll remember that foregoing our usual summer travels allowed us to enjoy the simple pleasures of life in Vermont.

Top of the list was spending time with friends, with just a few changes. One of our favorite forms of small-town-nothing-much-to-do-even-before-covid entertainment was collaborative dinners. Everybody would bring something and we’d figure out what do to with it all, cooking up a storm. Dinner would be filled with conversation and laughter well into the evening. In 2020? Move it all outdoors! And instead of crowding into the kitchen to cook together, we supported our local restaurants bringing take out dinners. And the occasional restaurant patio dining. With heaters, because it’s Vermont.

Wildflowers Momma and her cub
Another favorite pastime is hiking. There are great hiking trails all over New England. In 2020, hike closer to home. Earlier in the summer, we’d found 3 town parks with more than 30 miles of trail we’d never explored. We fixed that! And since then, we’ve found 3 more areas within a 15 minute drive from home. And of course, we can always hike the ski trails and work roads at Sugarbush, our local ski mountain, for great views, climbing and wildflowers.

Harold from… …Moon Castle Farm

Our simple life in Vermont also includes the world’s best Farmers’ Market. In 2020, it’s the major outing of the week! There are 3 organic farms in this small community and 3 organic farms nearby who sell their uber-fresh veggies every Saturday morning. Market operations were adapted for appropriate distancing to keep the consumers, the farmers and other vendors (and the curious visitors) safe. There’s something magical about eating a tomato – or kale or cauliflower or string beans – picked within the last 48 hours.

Purple onions and purple potatoes… The freezer’s just about full

The magic continues when it’s February and -20F/-30C outside and we grab the freshly frozen aforementioned veggies or berries from the freezer. Yup, every trip to the farmers’ market ends with twice as much food as we can eat. Half of it ends up in the freezer within 72 hours of being picked. Yum!
And yes, we continue to work on our music and to learn about the complexities of recording – here’s the latest effort from our house band.
For anyone who’s interested, more close to home, hiking and farmers’ market pix…
I found myself looking for your annual mailing and started to panic a bit when it wasn’t here. I thought perhaps a google search would give me a bit of hope that all is well and ta-dah…there was your blog. BRILLANT!
So great to see you and Doug doing well. We’re roughing things out between NYC and the woods an hour away. Cheers to a new year! Stay well and look forward to your posts.
Kathy Y
Thanks Kathy for your comment! No need to panic… Letter’s in the mail. Maybe a day or two late? And long before Valentine’s Day!
Agree! Here’s to 2021!