Alfred, ME

My dad was the 4th oldest of 16 children, which makes for interesting stories and family dynamics. His youngest brother, my uncle Mike, is 8 years older than I am. Although that was an eternity in high school years, with the passage of a few more years we became more like peers. I’ve always felt close to Mike and his wife Ann, and in the early years of my adulthood we’d get together fairly often. Then they got busy raising 4 awesome kids, we got busy with jobs that required travel, and all of a sudden, hey, we haven’t seen Mike and Ann in 11 years. Gotta fix that!

Now, you might think I’m biased about the kids (my cousins) being awesome. We arrived at Mike and Ann’s and the conversation started just where we left off last time. Then, within 10 minutes, Ann let us know that their oldest son Jim and his wife, Mel, were having a BBQ dinner at their home (also in Alfred and just around the corner) and everybody was coming. It’s kinda like a family thing…

OMG what great fun! We got to catch up with Jim and Mel and 2 of their 3 kids. We spent time with Julie and her husband Brian, who live nearby in Kennebunkport, and 2 of their 3 kids. We were glad to see Tom again and to finally meet Tom’s wife Jenn, along with their 3 kids, who came over from Kennebunk. (Youngest brother Bill and his wife Susan and 2 kids are based in San Antonio and were vacationing in Peru – we’ll catch them another time…) Quick math – Yes, Mike and Ann have 11 grand kids, and we got to meet 7 of them! We love this remarkable family! Thank you Jim and Mel!

Ann and Mike, Kennebunkport

Ann and Mike brought us along a well narrated driving tour of some of their favorite places. We started by heading toward the coast, sightseeing in Kennebunk and Kennebunkport where Ann and Mike got married 51 years ago.

Doug, Sue, Ann, Mike at Billy’s Chowder House

Then we made our way to Wells and made a special trip to Billy’s Chowder House. Billy is a friend of Ann and Mike’s. And the restaurant was also a favorite for my aunt Suzy and late uncle Jerry when they came on their almost annual visits to Maine from St Louis. Jerry and Suzy were with us in spirit. (Hi Suzy!) We wrapped up the coastal portion of the drive in Ogunquit, having now seen the south Maine coast.

On the return, we came through Sanford, ME, where my dad’s younger siblings grew up. It was a time warp for me, as well, since my family visited there frequently. We passed by familiar neighborhoods, houses, schools, stores – all with fond memories.

Collaborative refrigerator dinner

Back home in Alfred, we talked. And talked. Then we talked some more, getting caught up properly after 11 years – kids, work, retirement, travel, grandkids…. Eventually we got hungry. Mike worked as a chef for a few years and he and I decided to collaborate on a two-refrigerator dinner – the best of what’s in mine and yours – and came up with veggie chili with a side of tabouli. Talking the whole time. Yum!

As Doug and I were getting ready to leave, I mentioned that we had taken only 4 photos in 2 days. According to Ann, that’s ok – this visit was all about talking and reconnecting.

Millie, Cooper

2 thoughts on “Alfred, ME”

  1. Nice account of your visit here in Alfred. Sue, you really were listening!!!! Love these pics. You’re sweet to include us in your blog. Safe travels during the rest of your Maine visit.

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