
We last visited Sedona in 2017 to see our long-time friends Malcolm and Judy, not long after they had retired and moved from New Jersey to AZ. They showed us around their new hometown and the surrounding areas, and, just as we always have, we looked forward to the next time we could get together. Then, in May 2021, Judy passed away. Her death was sudden and unexpected and very difficult for all who knew her, and we were deeply concerned for Malcolm, who’d lost his life partner of 49 years. Malcolm visited with us in VT later that summer on an east coast tour of visits with friends and countless private celebrations of Judy’s life, as he began to heal.

We were excited when we learned that Malcolm had met a wonderful woman, that they’d fallen deeply in love and were embarking together on a new chapter in their lives. Malcolm and Lita were married in May 2023, and we were eagerly awaiting our visit to meet and get to know Lita! Oh, and also Lita’s dog (now Malcolm’s step-dog) Cali.

Malcolm, Lita, Sue, Doug, Cali

Malcolm and Lita have so much in common – they both love the arts, cooking, entertaining. They value long and meaningful conversation and active involvement in their wonderful community in the incredible city of Sedona. They love life!

Shortly after we arrived, they brought us to a special showing at the world-renowned, award-winning Exposures International Gallery of Fine Art. Having recently retired from working at the gallery, Lita knew many of the artists personally and was able to provide the backstories on the artists and their exhibits. The exhibits ranged from amusing to deeply thought-provoking (with everything between) and featured many local and indigenous artists. We’d love to show you a few of our favorites, however since photographs were prohibited in the gallery you’ll have to take a trip and see for yourselves. Amazing art!

The Elephants (center) and The Nuns (far right) from the deck

Malcolm asked if we’d be interested in a hike around the back side of The Elephants, which is the named sandstone formation most prominent in our view from Malcolm and Lita’s deck on the west side of town. Didn’t need to ask us twice.

The view from near the trailhead of (L to R) Cathedral Rock , Sky Mountain, and (in the distance) the mining town of Jerome

Looking across the ridges and downtown Sedona

Malcolm, Cali, Sue along the red ledge, Munds Mountain in the distance

The elephant butt (center), Madonna and Child (far left)

Leaving not far from the house, the trail took us over a pass which then dropped down part way into Marg’s Draw. For a good amount of time, we felt like we were a million miles from civilization, surrounded by gray and red rock formations. In reality, we were less than a mile (as the crow flies) from downtown Sedona.

From the trail on the back side of The Elephants, we started to see some of the same rock formations that we could see from Malcolm and Lita’s 10-star deck, albeit from a different perspective – The Nuns, Madonna and Child, The Courthouse, The Bell, etc. The imposing elephant’s butt looked nothing like the clear elephant outline as seen from the front side, though it was still a grand sight to see.

As we turned the corner to return to the trailhead, we crossed Chicken Point, a crossroads of the Sedona trails system. Here, hiking, biking and Pink-Jeeping (is that a word?) trails intersected with a wide range of people – with an even wider range of gear – gathered for more red rock views.


We did mention that our friends love entertaining… Malcolm and Lita introduced us to their good friends Robert and Robin, who are engaged to be married in the near future. They, too, were skilled conversationalists who had also traveled extensively. Robin lived for over 30 years in Anchorage, AK, and had great stories to tell. Robert is a retired physician who has lived all around the US. Over a fabulous dinner of wild-caught, plank-grilled Alaskan sockeye salmon and mushroom risotto, we enjoyed a lively and hilarious conversation about the unique situations one encounters when dating in one’s 60s or 70s.

As we prepared for departure, we exchanged a round of hugs with Malcolm, one of our oldest friends, and Lita, our newest old friend. We felt a deep sense of happiness and comfort to have seen for ourselves how well suited for each other these two are, and we are so very glad they found each other.

For anyone who’s interested, more around The Elephants hike and Sedona pix…

…but no hugs for this guy.

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