My list of people who were most influential on who I became as an adult certainly includes John and Sharon. They opened my eyes and heart to diversity, open-mindedness and life balance, allowing me to see a whole new world of possibilities. That’s a long story. The short version is that I was John’s tenant, renting the camper in his back yard in 1983-1984, when he met Sharon. Together with their kids Josh, then 5, and Michael, 7, and a few pets, we lived together as a funky alt-family. They married, and I met Doug and moved back to the east coast.
We’ve connected several times over the past 34 years. John and Sharon haven’t changed a bit! The boys, however…
This visit was much like the others – we intersect for a week or so and enjoy life, just like the old days. We got together for coffee and hugs in the morning, went our separate ways during the day as John and Sharon tended to their business, and with some planning from Sharon created my-fridge-meets-your-fridge masterpieces for dinner. On the weekend, we helped each other with chores and shared dinners with neighbors and friends. Each visit continues the conversation and extends our time together. The only difference this time – it was our camper.
Simple. Life. Love.

For anyone who’s interested, more Oregon City pix…