We have a regular RV parking spot in St Louis.
Despite their living in St Louis for over 30 years, we’ve stayed close to my Uncle Jerry and Aunt Suzy. We’d become accustomed to seeing each other every couple of years since they regularly visit the family stomping grounds in Maine. They also have the special distinction of being the first of my insanely large family that Doug got to meet (back in 1984 on our x-c bike trip). Because we’ve been traveling during summers, we’ve missed them in New England for a few years now. Fortunately, we’ve been able to swing by to see them when we’ve been near St Louis, the last time being 2 years ago.
This time, we made the best of a short visit. Jerry is retired and Suzy was able to get out of work a bit early so we could all get caught up, exchange latest info on family goings on and create hopeful conjectures on the upcoming mid-term elections. Turner the cat remains as shy as always, coming out from underneath his blanket on the couch for all of 2 minutes during our visit. Suzy has a knack for selecting the perfect restaurants to share with us and scored high on this visit with Fred & Ricky’s and The Pasta House. Jerry provided a tour of his gardens, which are showing the last bits of color as fall comes to St Louis.
A very quick visit, thoroughly enjoyed. Thanks Jerry and Suzy! Until next time…