It’s funny how when we’re leaving for or returning from a trip, we’re a bit excited and tend to have long first and last days on the road. As a result, we don’t often stop to visit friends inside about a 4-hour driving radius from our home. That means a visit to Mark and Linda in Simsbury had become long overdue (though it’s not like we haven’t seen them at all – two of our meet-ups in the past 5 years have been on intersecting RV trips: one in Memphis, TN and another in Page, AZ).

Mark and Linda are both avid gardners, chefs and conversationalists. We’re always in awe as we watch them forage through their considerable vegetable garden for goodies, then waltz through the kitchen with fine dinner-making choreography. The menu always features awesome food and chat that usually lasts until long after bedtime.

Well fed with homemade walnut scones, and caught up as best as we could, we headed off for the (shortened) last day of this trip. Thanks Mark and Linda!
For anyone who’s interested, more Simsbury pix…

That’s Mahhk and Linder.